- On Tuesday January 22nd, 2013
- In Blog Destinations
- Tags Tags: alas purwo, alas purwo national park, explore alas purwo, explore g-land, explore plengkung, g-land plengkung, hutan alami, hutan dataran rendah, hutan pantai, hutan tropis, ngagelan, ngagelan turtle conservation, plengkung, sadengan alas purwo, taman nasional alas purwo, triangulasi, wisata banyuwangi
Alas Purwo National Park
If you guys ever heard of forests untouched by human hands, natural, in which a wide range of wildlife living in the real sense as your imagination picture of the forest, so this is Alas Purwo, the oldest forests in Java, its existence remains sustainable until now, in contrast to most of Indonesian forests are already cleared for industrial and business purposes, denuded by illegal logging, the animals that live in it slowly extinct or if not hunted for disturbing the human, not the animals actually bothering us, we are the ones who actually destroying their homes.
Alas Purwo National Park is located on the eastern tip of the Java island in the district Banyuwangi bordered by Bali straits on the eastern side and the Indian Ocean on the south, because of it, the south side of the Alas Purwo beach as the south coast of Java has high waves. Alas Purwo is typical of lowland tropical forest which has the ecosystems diversity, inside Alas Purwo we can find coastal forests consisting of mangroves that protect the coast from the fierce waves, next inside the forest we will find a lot of bamboo forest dominate the forest area, this occurs because the root system of bamboo is very suitable with the ground state of Alas Purwo that was karst type, in addition to the bamboo forest in the Alas Purwo, there are savanna as home of many wild animals such as cows and Java bulls, wild boar, wolves, and deer , there are also a variety of birds such as storks and peacocks that live in savanna of Alas Purwo, where the fauna is protected, so they remain stable in it. Inside there are also natural lowland tropical forest that occupies the core area of Alas Purwo.
The Existence Alas Purwo which maintained continuity is due to several things, among others, because Alas Purwo protected by sea that has high waves on the side adjacent to the coast, while on the ground he was constrained by protected forests from illegal logging that keeping the forest ecosystem from distruction by human hand,with other factors is a local people awareness and forest managers are disciplined preserve Alas Purwo, when we visited to explore this forest, our guide tells the fact that, in addition to several local belief that Alas Purwo is “wingit” that has strong mystical aura and because it is always protected from malicious intent to damage the ecosystem. Regardless of the fact that the geographical location made it protected or public confidence in the mystical of Alas Purwo, this forest was last natural forest in Java that is really protected from illegal logging and this is what causes biodiversity sustainable living in it.
Spots Exploration inside Alas Purwo
A Savanna located inside Alas Purwo National Park, this spot is home of a lot of wildlife including Java Cow or bull, they live in groups to defend themselves from wild predators who also lives in the neighborhood, there are also deer, elk, wild boar, monkeys, leopards and wolves, the balance of the food chain contained in this ecosystem makes it always awake naturally without human intervention. The best season to see these wild animals is the dry season when they gathered in the savanna that still have reserves of water that had been given by forest managers.
There are many caves in Alas Purwo National Park, some of the cave is still used as a hermitage by those who believe in mystical things.
There are many beaches that stretch along the southern and eastern edges of Alas Purwo, one of the most popular beach is Plengkung, one of the best sports surfing beach destination in the world besides Hawaii, some beaches may be mentioned here is Grajakan beach, Bedul Beach, Triangulation beach, Pancur and Ngagelan beach.
Turtle Conservation – Ngagelan
For approximately 5 to 6 months throughout the year between April to September in the coastal of Purwo Alas there are some turtles that lay their eggs in the warm sand along the beaches, turtle landing area is protected and be centralized at the Ngagelan beach as a center of turtle conservation in Alas Purwo.
Pura Luhur Giri Salaka
In the holy days of the Hindus, the temple is used for places of worship, those who came originally from Bali and Java.
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Selamat siang pak, kami dari pecinta alam di Bandung ingin tau prosedur untuk bisa masuk ke Taman Nasioal Alas Purwo, estimasi biaya yag dibutuhkan untuk menyusuri taman nasional ataupu pantai nya saja berapa yah pak ?
Sebenarnya tidak ada prosedur tertentu, kalian hanya perlu membayar tiket masuk sebesar kurang lebih Rp. 4000
Yang perlu menjadi catatan di dalam alas purwo tidak ada penginapan, jadi sebaiknya cari penginapan di rumah penduduk di perkampungan terdekat, hubungi masyarakat desa setempat jika kalian ingin mencari penginapan. tapi jika kalian ingin bermalam di alas purwo, kalian bisa membangun tenda di Triangulasi, mintalah ijin pada petugas yang berjaga di sana, tapi itu juga akan tergantung jumlah kalian, kupikir mereka tidak akan memberi izin jika jumlah kalian terlalu banyak.
Tak ada transportasi umum regular yang akan mengantar kalian menuju alas purwo, saat aku survey dulu aku mencari-cari informasi ke penduduk dan akhirnya aku menemukan orang yang memberikan mobilnya untuk dicarter sampai pintu masuk alas purwo saja, tapi jika kalian ingin menuju plengkung, pihak taman nasional menyediakan transportasi khusus dari Pancur berupa pick up yang harus kalian sewa untuk sekali jalan PP sebesar Rp. 200.000. Dari pintu gerbang alas purwo ke Pancur kalau tidak salah masih harus menempuh jarak 5km dan tidak ada transportai khusus, jadi kalian harus berjalan atau jika kalian menyewa transportasi khusus sejak di luar kawasan taman nasional, kalian hanya bisa membawanya sampai Pancur. ada warung di Pancur dan kalian bisa makan di sana.
Untuk rute sebaiknya kalian dari surabaya naik bis ke banyuwangi via jember, turun di Benculuk, dari sini kalian bisa carter mobil ke pintu gerbang taman nasional, harganya nego. mungkin itu soal spot-spot yang mau dikunjungi di sana sebenarnya banyak sekali, saat kami survey kami jg tidak sempat mengunjungi semua spot-spot tersebut, terutama goa yang jumlahnya banyak. sebaiknya kalian cari informasi ke pihak tman nasional untuk spot-spot yang bisa dikunjungi.
Interesting site.