monas jakarta

Monas – Alternatif Cheap Vacation in Jakarta

248px Merdeka Square Monas 02 Monas   Alternatif Cheap Vacation in JakartaIf you live in Jakarta and surrounding areas, and did not have enough money and time for a vacation out of town, a vacation to the National Monument (Monas) may be availabe alternative.

Monas is located in central Jakarta, near by presidential palace and important government offices, so close to the Istiqlal Mosque, the largest mosque in Indonesia, and even Southeast Asia’s,has a high 132 meters (433 feet), wide and occupies an area of ​​80 acres , at the top of tower there is a gilded flame, he became an icon of the city. Monas was established as a memorial history of the Indonesian people resistance against colonialism, therefore, on the outside wall of the building there  are reliefs depicting historical map of the archipelago over the last few hundred years, while on the inside there is a museum of the history of the fight of Indonesian people that conceptualized in the form of small miniatures.

The Neighborhood of Monas is a shady garden with lots of shady trees, there are also some small sports field, this is the main attraction in the middle of metropolitan Jakarta that was hot because of lack of green open space. If you take a vacation with your family, do not forget to bring a mat, accompanied by a light breeze under the shade trees you can eat with your family. Even if you do not have time to bring food from home, do not worry, there are many itinerant hawkers sell food and soft drinks to tourists around Monas.

Inside National Monument there are national struggle museum, illustrated history of the archipelago in the past greatness of Srivijaya and Majapahit kingdom, fall under western colonialism, and its rise against colonialism, visualized in the form of reliefs and miniatures, you can imagine how our ancestors used to sail the ocean with advanced ships on their era, took part in the strategic trade route between India and China, the downfall of this kingdom because of western colonialism makes people suffer because of taxes and forced labor, and the rise of the struggle against Dutch colonialism by traditional and modern concept, but unfortunately not told here how current Indonesia’s  situation with corruption ruling circles cause disease and poverty are rampant.

in addition for seeing a flashback of the national history of Indonesia, in this museum you can also see a map of Indonesia  on gold plated and the text of the proclamation, you can also see the original proclamation and voice recording at the same time the reading by Soekarno Hatta proclaimed the independence of Indoneisa. You can also climb to the top of the monument and enjoy spectacular views across the city of metropolitan Jakarta from the height.

Entrance Tickets of National Monument (Monas)

  • Free to enter into the court of Monas
  • Enter National Museum for Rp 1,000, – for children and Rp 2,000 for adults
  • Climb to the top of Monas Rp 6,000 / person

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