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Ratu Boko adalah situs purbakala berupa kompleks sejumlah bangunan yang berada kira-kira 3 km di sebelah selatan dari kompleks Candi Prambanan, sekitar 18 km sebelah timur Kota Yogyakarta Indonesia. Situs Ratu Baka terletak di sebuah bukit pada ketinggian 196 meter dari permukaan laut. Luas keseluruhan kompleks adalah sekitar 25 ha. Situs ini menampilkan atribut sebagai tempat berkegiatan atau situs permukiman, […]
Read morePrambanan temple is a largest Hindu temple in Indonesia, it is a temple complex consist of 3 main parts which are named according to Hindu Gods namely Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu and other part consisting of hundreds of smaller temple. Until now it is cannot be ascertained when the temple was built and whose command, […]
Read moreProbolinggo, precisely at the foot of Mt. Argopuro. Bremi village is also a west gate for Mt. Argopuro trekking activity which is popular for its longest trekking path, this waterfall is situated at the trekking path of Mt. Argopuro or around 1-hour trekking from the first shelter camp (Air Dingin) of Mt. Argopuro. This waterfall […]
Read moreMt. Raung Trekking Details Trekking up duration: 11-12 hours Trekking down duration: 6-7 hours Total Activity : 3 days 2 night Highest peak: 3332m above sea level Start/ Finish: Basecamp at Sumber Wringin village at Bondowoso Trekking Route: via Sumber Wringin village, Bondowoso regency Introduction Mt. Raung is a part of Ijen mountains, the most […]
Read moreIn the midst of an earthquake tremor increased the activity of Mount Bromo, tourism activities also declined, this decline in revenue impact on residents around Mount Bromo which depend upon tourism services. However, tourists can still enjoy the sunrise at Bromo in Penanjakan 2, and residents hope at the moment of Christmas and new year, […]
Read moreTaman Nasional Kepulauan Togean Taman Nasional Kepulauan Togean terbentuk dari aktivitas gunung api, terletak di teluk Tomini, Sulawesi Tengah, mendapatkan statusnya sebagai taman nasional pada tahun 2004 yang meliput area sebesar 292.000 hektar dari kepualaun tersebut. Secara administratif kepulauan ini berada di bawah kabupaten Tojo Una Una. Terumbu Karang dan surga selam Taman nasional Togean […]
Read moreCruise Cruising with PELNI ship from Tanjung Periok Jakarta to Baubau take 3 days. Existing facilities of Pelni ship passengers almost similar with star hotel facilities are supported by adequate facilities, restaurants and cafeterias to relax. Besides that, we can relax and enjoy the beauty of the islands of Buton upon entering the bay, dozens […]
Read moreUjung Kulon National Park is located at the western tip of of Java island, Indonesia. The park area includes Krakatau Nature Reserve and several small islands around it, like Handeuleum Island and Peucang Island. Ujung Kulon has an area of approximately 122 956 ha; (443 km ² of which is the sea), covered the area […]
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