Ratu Boko adalah situs purbakala berupa kompleks sejumlah bangunan yang berada kira-kira 3 km di sebelah selatan dari kompleks Candi Prambanan, sekitar 18 km sebelah timur Kota Yogyakarta Indonesia. Situs Ratu Baka terletak di sebuah bukit pada ketinggian 196 meter dari permukaan laut. Luas keseluruhan kompleks adalah sekitar 25 ha. Situs ini menampilkan atribut sebagai tempat berkegiatan atau situs permukiman, […]
Read moreYogyakarta so famous with the local cultural heritage, old local traditions are not everlasting, the building’s heritage of Javanese kingdoms, temples, and of course the traditional cuisine full of flavor. Visiting Yogyakarta is incomplete if you miss the things above. Through this tour program we present to you the cultural tourism of Jogja, includes a […]
Read moreYogyakarta or Jogjakarta a colorful city with filled with art and cultural life, the manifestation of human’s love to the beauty can be seen here, so magnificent and breathtaking. If you visit Yogyakarta and leave it before feeling the majesty of his art and flavors, it seem you have not really visited Yogyakarta. So once […]
Read moreYogyakarta or Jogjakarta has long been popular by its tourism attractions, no wonder tourism atmosphere are very close to Yogyakarta, beside many popular tourism destination like Borobudur and Prambanan temple, there are many new tourism destination which has been just developed in this special district of Indonesia. many spots which has became popular is Gunung […]
Read moreWe design this tour program for you those who want to explore Yogyakarta as easy as you want, An interesting destinations you want to visit is fully in your domain while we can give you a description about many tour destinations in Yogyakarta so you can visit interesting places as you want without having to […]
Read moreEnjoying the splendor of Borobudur will be different at dawn, waiting for the sun rises from behind the mountains at the top of Borobudur, then on sunrise we could feel the warmth of the tropical sun and fresh air, and we can capture those moments between stupa and the grandeur of Borobudur. Borobudur sunrise tour […]
Read moreBorobudur and Prambanan, each temple representing 2 triumph of culture that ever existed in the archipelago. Borobudur is a Buddhist temple located in Magelang – Central Java, was built in the heyday period of the Buddha in the archipelago are represented by the Srivijaya empire. Borobudur has the richest in the world for the relief […]
Read moreYogyakarta is a tourist charm, people knows this city as tour destination just like Bali, its popularity escalating as the Borobudur the iconic temple became one of World Wonders. It is undeniable that Yogyakarta has a thousands tourism potential, the culture itself closely with Yogyakarta as well as temple buildings the heritage of the ancestors, […]
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