Red Island Beach is located in Banyuwangi Red Island Beach is located in Banyuwangi, the eastern tip of Java Island, precisely in Sumberagung Village Pesanggaran Subdistrict, this south coast of Java has a long coastline, approximately 3 km of white sand stretches and invites us to play and relax on it. In front of […]
Read moreRed Island Beach is located in Banyuwangi Red Island Beach is located in Banyuwangi, the eastern tip of Java Island, precisely in Sumberagung Village Pesanggaran Subdistrict, this south coast of Java has a long coastline, approximately 3 km of white sand stretches and invites us to play and relax on it. In front of […]
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Read moreRed Island Beach is located in Banyuwangi Red Island Beach is located in Banyuwangi, the eastern tip of Java Island, precisely in Sumberagung Village Pesanggaran Subdistrict, this south coast of Java has a long coastline, approximately 3 km of white sand stretches and invites us to play and relax on it. In front of […]
Read moreRed Island Beach is located in Banyuwangi Red Island Beach is located in Banyuwangi, the eastern tip of Java Island, precisely in Sumberagung Village Pesanggaran Subdistrict, this south coast of Java has a long coastline, approximately 3 km of white sand stretches and invites us to play and relax on it. In front of […]
Read moreRed Island Beach is located in Banyuwangi Red Island Beach is located in Banyuwangi, the eastern tip of Java Island, precisely in Sumberagung Village Pesanggaran Subdistrict, this south coast of Java has a long coastline, approximately 3 km of white sand stretches and invites us to play and relax on it. In front of […]
Read morePantai Pulau Merah terletak di Banyuwangi, ujung timur pulau Jawa, persisnya di Desa Sumberagung Kecamatan Pesanggaran, pantai selatan Jawa ini memiliki garis pantai yang cukup panjang, kurang lebih 3 km pasir putih membentang dan mengundang kita untuk bermain dan bersantai di atasnya, di pantainya kita terdapat sebuah bukit batu, dari nama bukit itulah “pulau merah” […]
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