Red Island Beach is located in Banyuwangi Red Island Beach is located in Banyuwangi, the eastern tip of Java Island, precisely in Sumberagung Village Pesanggaran Subdistrict, this south coast of Java has a long coastline, approximately 3 km of white sand stretches and invites us to play and relax on it. In front of […]
Read moreRed Island Beach is located in Banyuwangi Red Island Beach is located in Banyuwangi, the eastern tip of Java Island, precisely in Sumberagung Village Pesanggaran Subdistrict, this south coast of Java has a long coastline, approximately 3 km of white sand stretches and invites us to play and relax on it. In front of […]
Read morePantai Teluk Hijau termasuk di dalam kawasan Taman Nasional Meru Betiri, taman nasional ini meliputi dua kabupaten yaitu Jember dan Banyuwangi, namun Teluk Hijau terletak di bagian kabupaten Banyuwangi, lokasinya sangat terpencil, hanya kendaraan tertentu yang dapat menjangkaunya, namun pesona pantai ini mengalahkan keterpencilannya, pantai Teluk Hijau memiliki pasir putih yang sangat indah, perairannya sangat […]
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