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Detail Price Canggu Surfing Lesson Indonesia Surfing in Bali is a very popular activity, and Surfing lesson in Canggu Bali offers high quality lessons at some of the most affordable rates in the area. If you have any questions about our rates, please contact us directly. Surfing lesson Canggu Bali offers 2 hour lessons [...]
Read moreBali surfing Lesson - Life Style - Budget Price Happy Guarantee Where the best place to learn surf in Bali? the answer is exactly is Canggu, where every people meet their requirement, modern traveler and nomad marketer, urban city living background. Take a look around if you are in Canggu, you will meet these group [...]
Read moreAbout The Simeulue Island Try to find the escape of surf, and did you imagine the situation Indonesia like in the ’80s or want to know Bali in the late of ’80s and ’90s, you better to check the Simeulue Islands has one of the best-established surf scenes in Indonesia. And it’s no surprise for [...]
Read moreRute searah untuk mencapai destinasi wisata Bali Tujuan wisata bali sudah mendunia dan sangat terkenal di seluruh dunia, bagi yang sudah terbiasa mengunjungi Bali, sudah tidak asing algi untuk berkunjung ke tempat ini, jika kamu belum pernah ke Bali dan ingin tahu banyak tentang bali, maka artikel ini sangat membantu. Luas pulau bali ini cukup besar untuk dikunjungi hanya dlam satu hari, […]
Read moreSewa Jeep di Bromo adalah Syarat wajib tour ke Bromo Kalo kamu tidak menemukan jeep sebaiknya kamu tidak berangkat ke Bromo, ini adalah persolan keselamatan, dan keselamatan adalah tanggung jawab semua orang, jangan berkeras hati menggunakan kendaraan pribadi, atau egois menuruti keinginan sendiri, yakin kendaraan pribadi akan mampu naik ke atas, INGAT! membawa jeep ke [...]
Read moreWhile, if you just decided to make a tour in Palembang, you can consider an alternative. This place is the main object of the city Palembang with diverse culture and history. The capital of South Sumatra that has a large area, and has the very unique attraction. Since hundreds of years ago, has a history that makes [...]
Read moreSouth Sumatera Province Sumatra was the other part of Indonesia, which is popular with a wealth of natural resources. While Java, which surrounded the ring of fire, but Java earlier popular with the Bromo volcano, Mount Semeru, and Mount Merapi, as well as Borobudur, Surabaya, and Jakarta South Sumatra is one of the provinces that […]
Read moreMake a visit to one of the major cities of Indonesia. Let’s talk about Surabaya, where the main object of tourism start, so it is possible to reach Bromo where it is known by the legendary golden sunrise of Java and Ijen is known by the blue flame since the first time published by National […]
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